Find a Landslide - Week 10

The assignment: Many mass wasting and flooding events occur around the US each year. Find an event that has happened within the last three years in your state. Post a link to a news article about the event, as well as pictures, summary, and use what you have learned in chapters 15 and 16 to synthesize details about the event. What triggered the event, what happened during the event as a consequence of its setting, how would you categorize/classify the event.

Here is a link to a landslide that has happened in Utah in the last three years.

But to be honest, this one is about a potential landslide which was recently in the news. (Link at End)

There was movement detected on this hillside, over 42 inches that is from Nov to Jan 2017! They say due to the melting snow fall and then heavy rain much of the soil has become loose!

Often times water can be a huge destroyer. In rocks we can see it freeze and expand, creating crevices and damage. In this story we see that there is some displacement. For the hillside here, a barrier will need to be made.
