1. And it came to pass that three little piglets went running home as if they were in grave danger. As they ran across the green field and arrived at their mud home they stopped, looked at each other and then proceeded into their home. With their mother looking at their fearful faces she asked what was wrong. Silence. She asked again and then the three little piglets told their mother what they had just experienced.
2. Behold, many hours earlier the three little piglets had been playing outside in the hot weather and decided to go to the nearby well to drink some of the groundwater from inside the well. All of a sudden the ground next to them started to fall into a hole! It was a sinkhole! They ran away and then watched it. As they stood there in the shade they heard some water sounds from a nearby river.
3. Behold, they went forth unto the river and pondered the meaning of life. Being little piglets, they wanted to make some mud, but before they did that, one of the little piglets remembered that they should always be learning. The little piglets got out her cell phone and watched a YouTube video about rivers and streams. She found out that some stream are gaining streams and others are losing streams. She told her siblings that the difference was that with gaining streams water was entering into the stream from the surrounding groundwater, whereas the losing stream was losing water to either the Water Table or groundwater.
4. And it came to pass in the next hour they went forth and followed this stream up to the mountain where they found a glacier. They saw there was a snow line and even a zone of accumulation near the top. Nearer to there they were standing there were parts that were part of the zone of wastage.
5. As they looked around them they looked back and saw another mountain in the distance. That mountain had a hanging valley that was very visible from where they were.
6. On their descent back home, they heard a lot of wind and then water splash! It was a geyser and it scared them so much that they ran all the way home!
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