Find a sedimentary rock - Week 5

This weeks prompt was to find a sedimentary rock, why we think it is a sedimentary rock and how we can relate it to our surroundings and local area.

 This is me, looking for some kind of sedimentary rock. Too bad I couldn't just take this whole mountain. 

Below are two rocks that I found that I think are sedimentary rocks. Of course I have not read the material yet so I could be wrong.

 This one looks like it has just had a lot of different sediments from other rocks that have been super squashed to it. This is my reason that this is a sedimentary rock. It is also light in color. 

 In this huge picture we can clearly see that there are different parts of different stones and rocks smashed into one piece. Not only this but it looks like the if we were to try to break this then it would come apart in pieces and that the original pieces would come off and still be intact to its original self. I think also that it would act like sand too. 

The view on our way back. Looks small here nit really there are a lot of this hills and mountains behind it. This is my local area. From LDSBC - a college I attend - I usually see these hills and mountains from the many windows. Pretty much most of it is sedimentary. 
